The SAT is a test offered by the College Board and is taken each year by over 1.9 million high school students. The cost is about $60 to register each time the test is taken.
Why is the SAT important?
Because at most colleges, a strong score on the SAT can help a student get admitted or help with obtaining a scholarship, or both. It is true that most colleges are test - optional: the student can decide whether or not to submit a test score. But, only a small percentage of colleges do not consider test scores at all.
So, unless the college is one of the few that have said they will not consider test scores, the student can look up the college's profile, and if their test scores are at or above the school's average, there's every reason to believe that submitting test scores will benefit them. Many schools have reported that even though they are test-optional, more than half of admitted students have submitted test scores. This is why Perry's tutoring and SAT test prep is so valuable for students across the U.S.
Having a strong SAT score can still be very important for admission or for getting a scholarship.
Recently, a significant number of colleges have reinstated the requirement for submission of the SAT or ACT. The list includes Brown, Dartmouth, Florida Int'l., Florida State, Georgetown , Georgia Tech, MIT, New College Florida, Purdue, Texas A&M, Thomas Aquinas, U. Florida, U. South Florida, U. Tennessee, Yale.
SAT test prep and which test to submit:
Perry's advice is almost always to try to determine early in the process whether the student will do better on the SAT or ACT, and then study for that test rather than spending time working on both tests. If a student has had the opportunity to take the PSAT and the preACT, this often suggests a good direction to take. With Perry's guidance, the student can make a good decision between the two tests by comparing their strengths against the strengths required by the tests.
What are some differences between the SAT and ACT?
Students can click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with Perry to discuss these issues and to get any questions answered regarding the tutoring process.
More about the Digital SAT
The SAT is now entirely computer-based. Here are the highlights. Perry has tutored dozens of students on the new digital test.
THE BIG NEWSIt's all digital — entirely on the computer. Testing will continue to be in a proctored setting. College Board will arrange for a computer for those who need one. ADAPTIVE STRUCTUREThe verbal section is divided into two modules. The first module will be of average difficulty; the second will include either more difficult or less difficult questions, depending on how the student did on the first module. Similarly, the math sections will take the same adaptive approach. By using this adaptive format, the test is able to be about one hour shorter and still assess the student's performance level. Unlike the previous SAT, hard questions are worth more than easy questions. CALCULATORSUse of a calculator is permitted on both math modules. The Desmos graphing calculator is integrated into the test and always available during math sections. |
FORMATOne verbal section and one math section. Each verbal section will be a combination of reading comprehension, writing, and language. WHAT STUDENTS MAY LIKEReading passages are much shorter, and there is one question per passage. There's more time per question. RECORDING ANSWERSStudents can to go back over any questions in the current section during the allotted time, but cannot go back to previous sections. Answers are recorded on the screen. Scratch paper is allowed. |
College Board has released six full length Digital SAT practice tests. Perry primarily uses these tests for tutoring for the SAT.
A Wider Range of Difficulty
If the second module of both the Reading and Writing (RW) and Math sections can be either easier or more difficult and the timing and number of questions is the same, the student who gets the more difficult Module 2 should expect to have to work faster to allow time for some more difficult questions. |
Sophisticated Semicolons:
The need to challenge students more in the higher difficulty Module 2's has resulted in some types of questions that were not seen on the paper SAT, where every question counted the same. For example, over Perry's 20+ years providing SAT help, he has told hundreds of students that all they had to know about a semicolon was that it was used to separate two independent clauses and thus avoid a comma splice. Even though there were other ways good writers use semicolons, these were not covered on the paper SAT. However, here is a sentence appearing in one of the new sample tests, with the correct answer included: "Joshua Hinson, director of the language revitalization program of the Chickasaw Nation in Oklahoma, helped produce the world's first Indigenous-language instructional app, Chickasaw Basic, in 2009; an online television network, Chickasaw TV, in 2010; and a Rosetta Stone language course in Chickasaw, in 2015." |
So, on the new test, we must understand that the semicolon may be used to separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas.
More use of The Calculator
Similarly, in math the student should expect a few problems of a higher level of difficulty than those on the paper SAT. Some of these seem designed to be solved with a calculator, while all the math questions on the paper SAT could be reasonably solved without a calculator. So, it's important that the student become knowledgeable of many of the capabilities of the included Desmos calculator.
Similarly, in math the student should expect a few problems of a higher level of difficulty than those on the paper SAT. Some of these seem designed to be solved with a calculator, while all the math questions on the paper SAT could be reasonably solved without a calculator. So, it's important that the student become knowledgeable of many of the capabilities of the included Desmos calculator.
Students or parents can click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with Perry to discuss these issues and to get questions answered regarding the SAT and the tutoring process.
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